2=Dual BBA(Bachelor) Degree Diploma, Double Major With 2 Specialized Certificates
Program |
Undergraduate / Bachelor / BBA |
Learning Period (Semester & Years) |
1) October to January : Fall Semester |
2) February to May : Spring Semester |
3) June to August : Summer Semester |
Credits (ECTS: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) Earn 5 Qualifications |
1) BBA Degree 180 ECTS |
2) BS Dual Major Degree 60 ECTS |
3) Specialized Certificate 30 ECTS (Asia Study Tour, Seminar, Technical Industry Visits) |
4) Specialized Certificate 15 ECTS (Europe Culture Tours Seminar, Technical Industry Visits) |
5) Specialized Certificate 15 ECTS (Swiss AMP – Advanced Management Program Seminar, Technical Industry Visits) |
180 + 60 = 240 ECTS |
Learning Hours/Days |
Program Starts (Semester Begins) |
Program Ends (Semester Closes) |
Admission Transfer Students |
Awards (Degree Diploma & Certificates) |
Degree Awarding Institutes |
Learning Location |
Language |
Extracurricular Activities Mandatory School Activities And Fees |
Tuition Fees (For 2=Dual Degree Diploma Fees) |
Application fee |
Required Documents (Please send by post letter and attach the scanned files into an e-mail.) |
Application Deadlines |
Studying 15 Majors |
You may select 2=Double majors when you graduate, you earn your double major, dual degree diploma without having charged extra fees. |
Send Documents to |
Confirmation to |
Next Semester Program Starts from |
Fall Semester: |
Spring Semester: |
Summer Semester: |
> SGSB Graduation Ceremony Sept.10) |