Organizes the World's Smartest Academic Activities to Build your Future Career.

Extracurriculars | Extra Academic Activities.

EA – Extracurricular Activities

  • Through a variety of Study Tours (Asia Study Tours; Europe Culture Tours) and project trips, 

           you will gain international experience already during your studies.

  • Learn how to incorporate Extracurricular activities in your resume,

           so you can elevate your job application and draw the attention of hiring managers.

An extracurricular activity / extra academic activity is an activity, performed by students, that falls outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school. The Leisure and Tourism Department at the SGSB Business School Organizes the World’s Smartest EA to Connect, Build your Future Job

• Through a variety of Study Tours (Asia Study Tours; Europe Culture Tours) and project trips as listed, you will gain international experience already during your studies.

• Learn how to incorporate Extracurricular activities in your resume, so, you can elevate your job application and draw the attention of hiring managers.

<< Extra-Curricular Activities >>

Asia Study Tour – Asia Study Tour: Mid-April each year: Cancelled and postponed During the COVID-19: Coronavirus disease • 2019-nCov.

Paris Seminar & Culture Tour – Europe Culture Tour & Seminar   Mid-May each year: Cancelled and postponed During the COVID-19: Coronavirus disease • 2019-nCov. AMP | Advanced Management Program: Mid-July / Mid-September each year: Cancelled and postponed During the COVID-19: Coronavirus disease • 2019-nCov.

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Entire Extra Academic Activities Cancelled and postponed as listed below during the COVID-19, Coronavirus disease • 2019-nCov. Comprehend until the next forthcoming announcement

        Asia Study Tour

        Paris Seminar & Culture Tour

        Europe Theme Tour

        Dubai & Abu D’habi (UAE) Study Tour

        Swiss Riviera Tour

        Swiss Grand Alpine Tour

        Swiss Ski-Trip

        UNESCO World Heritage Tour

        Swiss Technical Visits

        Events | Seminars

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