Why is it that you waste your time, energy and money only for one single degree to earn?
Shooting Two birds, even Three birds with only one stone, but without failure with Us with the SGSB – Graduate School of Business. Guaranteed your successful path.
Why do you like to waste more time and money?
Cut corners. Undertake Dual EBBA or Triple EBBA degree program in what appears to be the easiest, quickest, and cheapest way.
Taking the shortest course by going across with us and not around a corner. Enjoy to learn and be happy to earn your degrees.
Total Learning Period / Semesters
Triple Executive BBA (EBBA) : 3 Semesters
Fall Semester (October till January)
Spring Semester (February till May)
Summer Semester (June till August)
Required Documents |
If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, above specialized majors are the best degree for you.
Provided by the SGSB, Private Business and Management Institute of Education, with our 15 partner Universities, Business Schools, this program is also available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing professional work and personal life.
Sfr. 12,000 per semester x totally 2 Semesters
Sfr. 5,000
Q. What is Executive BBA?
Q. What is an Executive Bachelor / EBBA degree?
Q. Is EBBA a Recognized degree?
Q. Is EBBA degree acceptable to earn higher Educational degree opportunities?
Q. Is Executive BBA degree respectable and worthy for future?
Q. What is an executive BBA degree program?
Q. Is Executive BBA worth doing?
Q. What are the advantages?
Q. ECTS Credits: What are They?
Q. How many working years are acceptable to apply EBBA degree?
Q. How long it takes to complete and earn EBBA degree diploma?
If you have any questions or need any further information then please contact the following administration department:
2=Dual, 3=Triple & 4=Global Quadruple Degree Programs
• undergraduate@sgsb.swiss
• graduate@sgsb.swiss
For DBA, Ph.D. AMP.
• postgraduate@sgsb.swiss
• undergraduate@sgsb.swiss
• executives@sgsb.swiss