With a specialization
With a specialization
This is the most suitable degree program for the students who have not completed a BBA, Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
Qualification and Educational Objectives
An Executive MBA’s thesis is generally 40-80 pages, 20,000~40,000 words count will create about 40~80 pages single-spaced or 80~160 pages double-spaced when using normal margins not including the bibliography. However, the length will vary according to the topic and the method of analysis, so the appropriate length will be determined by you and your committee.
Research/academic writing of Capstone Thesis and Capstone Thesis Defense
Percentage of the Grade Relative to the Final Grade for the Program: 25%
The Swiss Dual Executive MBA is usually a part-time program intended for applicants with more work experience. an EMBA is intended for busy professionals and more of a chance to continue your education with other professionals. You don’t have to quit your job to study. It does offer more flexibility.
At the Graduation Ceremony: Mid-September each year.
Will obtain Dual EMBA degree diplomas with dual specializations
Your application should include:
♦ In exceptional cases, applicants/candidates without one of these degrees of university, first degree like Bachelor or BBA, EBBA, Master, MBA may be carefully examined and admitted to the Swiss Dual Executive MBA degree program by the Academic Dean.
degree with an area of specialized emphasis, we offer the following concentrations/specializations:
If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, above specialized majors are the best degree for you.
Provided by the SGSB, Private Business and Management Institute of Education, with our 15 partner Universities, Business Schools, this program is also available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing professional work and personal life.
Swiss 1+1 EMBA Degree, But Only 1 EMBA Tuition Fee
Combine an Executive Master’s degree with SGSB one-year EMBA
Only 1 Thesis, 1+1 Specialization, Plus 1+1 Highly Qualified Swiss Certificates
Joining a Swiss Dual Executive MBA program is an investment in your future and it will continue to pay dividends throughout your career. At the SGSB Business School, the cost of the one-year Swiss Dual EMBA program for the class entering is CHF. 30,000
SGSB Is More Than Just A Business School; A Great Place For Education, A Great Place To Be, A Great Place To Learn, Choose The Right School For Your Scholarships.
Once you applied, the most suitable and qualified scholarship will be evaluated and examined by our organizations and following departments:
How to Apply:
Application Deadlines (for Swiss 2=Dual Degree):
Q. Will Executive MBA help my career?
Q. What is the difference between an MBA and an Executive MBA?
Q. What do you mean by Executive MBA?
Q. Is an executive MBA worth it?
Q. Who is eligible for executive MBA?
Q. Is 40 too old for Executive MBA?
Q. Is executive MBA a degree?
Q. Which is better capstone or thesis?
Q. How many words should an EMBA thesis be?
Q. How many pages is 40000 words?
Q. What is an executive MBA degree program?
Q. Is Executive MBA worth doing?
Q. What are the advantages?
Q. ECTS Credits: What are They?
Q. Is executive MBA a master’s degree?
If you have any questions or need any further information then please contact the following administration department:
2=Dual, 3=Triple & 4=Global Quadruple Degree Programs
• undergraduate@sgsb.swiss
• graduate@sgsb.swiss
For DBA, Ph.D. AMP.
• postgraduate@sgsb.swiss